Line of Departure

Grayson Perry, 2014
145 x 294 cm (edición de 9)

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'The title comes from a conversation I had with one of the three wounded veterans that I have depicted. Stewart Hill showed me a photograph of a troop of soldiers crossing a shallow river in Afghanistan. It was the last photo taken before they were attacked, when he received a head wound that would change his life. Stewart pointed at the photo: 'Just beyond there was the line of departure, the starting point of the operation..' I have designed this tapestry in the style of an Afghan war rug. It shows Stewart Hill, Karl Hinett and Peter Dunning crossing back over another battle line on their return to the challenge of civilian life as a wounded soldier.'
Grayson Perry about the piece, on Paragon Press' website

Grayson Perry, Line of Departure, 2014

En su exposición individual Who Are You? en la National Portrait Gallery de Londres (25 de octubre de 2014 - 15 de marzo de 2015), Grayson Perry se propuso explorar la identidad británica moderna en toda su complejidad y diversidad a través de diversos medios. El tapiz Line of Departure se encontraba entre las catorce piezas expuestas. Factum Arte trabajó con Grayson Perry durante todas las fases de producción, desde la digitalización del dibujo hasta la preparación de los archivos de tejido para el telar jacquard en Flanders Tapestries.

Archivo de color y textil © Factum Arte

Detalle de la superficie del tapiz © Alicia Guirao del Fresno for Factum Arte

© Alicia Guirao del Fresno for Factum Arte

© Alicia Guirao del Fresno for Factum Arte

© Alicia Guirao del Fresno for Factum Arte

© Alicia Guirao del Fresno for Factum Arte


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